Ethiopia News Archive

Saving Ethiopia From the Chopping Block

 WE live in a time that gives new meaning to Shakespeare’s line in Julius Caesar: “The evil that men do lives after them…” Today we come face to face with the evil Meles Zenawi has done when he lived. A piece of Ethiopia is retailed once again to the Sudan. They call it “border demarcation.”

Kenyatta at the ICC: Is Justice Deferred, Justice Denied?

I am getting a little jittery over the repeated delays, postponements and all the backpedalling talk about “false evidence” and “lying witnesses”  in the Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta International Criminal court trial. I don’t want to say I smell a rat but I feel like I am getting a whiff. Is the stage being set to let

On Behalf of Semayawi Party, Thanks!

Thank you one and all who came out to the town hall meetings in the U.S. and Europe over the past several  weeks and supported Semayawi Party! In a report last week, described Semayawi Party (SP) as the “newest opposition sensation” which “raises new hopes” for nonviolent change in Ethiopia. Yilikal Getnet, Semayawi Party’s young

Demonizing Ethiopian History: Propaganda Campaign Against Atse Menelik

The regime in power in Ethiopia today is orchestrating a full-court press demonization and vilification campaign against Atse Menelik II, the Nineteenth Century Ethiopian emperor whose centennial is being celebrated this year (Ethiopian calendar). The campaign is conducted largely through regime lackey-proxies, stooges and puppets. Through its minions, the regime has used the most loathsome

2014: Year of the Ethiopian Chee-Hippo Generation

Part I: Rise of the Ethiopian Chee-Hippo Generation in 2014 In my first weekly commentary of 2013, I declared that year to be the “Year of Ethiopia’s Cheetah (young) Generation”. It was a great year for Ethiopia’s Cheetahs. I declare 2014 “Year of the Ethiopia’s Chee-Hippo Generation”. A Chee-Hippo is a Hippo (member of the

2013: The Year of Ethiopia’s Rising Cheetahs in Review

In January 2013, I proclaimed, “2013 shall be the Year of Ethiopia’s Cheetah Generation.” I promised “to make my full contribution to uplift and support Ethiopia’s youth and to challenge them to rise up to newer heights.” They rose to greater heights.  I pledged to “reach out to them, teach them and preach to them”.

Witness for Ethiopia’s Semayawi (Blue) Party

Why I support Semayawi party as a political party In the days leading up to my speech at the first Semayawi (Blue) Party town hall meeting in Arlington, VA, just outside of Washington, D.C., on December 15, I was peppered with all sorts of questions. The one recurrent question revolved around my unreserved support for Semayawi Party

Mandela’s Message to Ethiopia’s Youth: Never give up…!

Africa’s Wise Lion and Ethiopia’s Restless Cheetahs—Never give up and keep on trying to build your Beloved Ethiopian Community! December 15, 2013. It is the saddest day of the year for me. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was finally interred with state honors in Qunu, a small rural village in South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province. He spent

Ethiopia: Rise of the Blue Cheetahs!

  Just feeling proud and blue all over “Everyday, everyday I have the blues” sang B.B. King on his faithful guitar Lucille. Everyday, everyday for the last eight years I’ve had the blues, the “193/763 Blues”. “Ain’t gonna stop until the twenty-fifth hour, ‘Cause now I’m living on blues power,” belted out Eric Clapton. I

Kerry-ing on with African Dictators

Watching American Diplocrisy at the African Union I enjoy watching American diplomats chilling out and kicking it with African dictators. I like seeing them  kumbaya-ing, back-patting and carrying on. Their body language, more than their forked diplomatic tongue, speaks more honestly and eloquently.  I have learned to take their words with a grain of salt and a