My Tribute to the Late Senator Jim Inhofe, Ethiopia’s Friend in Need, Indeed!

Ethiopia has far too many implacable enemies, some snake in the grass frenemies and very few friends. Ethiopia just lost her most courageous, steadfast and unapologetic friend, defender and champion in the US Government. Jim Mountain Inhofe, the late senior senator from Oklahoma, was Ethiopia’s best friend in the US Senate until he retired in

US Dumbplomat M ass inga Opens Mouth, Instantly Sticks Foot In It!

M ass inga’s latest meltdown! No joke! I did not know US Amb ass ador to Ethiopia Ervin M ass inga could talk or read. He always appears in public with pursed lips. Never smiles! M ass inga claims to speak French, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese. He has been in Ethiopia for nine months. But

The Bli-Den (Blinken-Biden) Administration’s Gangster Diplomacy in Ethiopia

The Bli-Den administration (Bli-Den-State) State Department has quietly launched a new kind of diplomatic offensive in Ethiopia. I call it “gangster diplomacy.” Using the US Embassy in Ethiopia, the Bli-Den-Min (administration) State Department is organizing Western embassies as a street gang to wage a relentless psyop op war (PSYWAR/psychological operations warfare), Cyops (cyber warfare operations)

Reflecting on My April 8, 2018 Personal Letter to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

Reflecting on My April 8, 2018 Personal Letter to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed To those who say you are not strong enough to weather the storm, I want you to tell them, ‘I am the storm. To those who do not believe you are the storm, tell them, ‘I am the calm in the eye

South Sudan: Landlocked, Pumped Up and Over the Oil Barrel

If South Sudan had planned and constructed a pipeline and refinery in Ethiopia, she would have been economically immune from the vagaries of Sudanese conflict and politics. She would not have found herself over the barrel. South Sudan should never have allowed itself to be held on the wrong side of the barrel of the

Mike “The Scammer” Hammer: Susan Rice’s RoboCop in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa!

============================================================ On March 1, 2024, Ethiopians celebrate the 128th anniversary of the Victory at the Battle of Adwa. It is a monumental victory unparalleled in the annals of European colonialism and imperialism in Africa. For the first time in recorded Western history, a black army decisively (in less than a day) vanquished a highly trained

Beware of Democ Rats Bearing Gifts: Bli-Den’s $15 Million Trojan Horse Scam in Ethiopia

There is an old saying, “He  who pays the piper calls the tune.” That phrase originated from the German fable of the Pied Piper of Hamelin who was hired to rid the village of Hamelin of rats (not Democ Rats variety), but did not get paid for his work. So, he stole all of the

The Crocodile Tears of the Bli-Den (Blinken-Biden) Administration Over “Human Rights” Violations in Ethiopia (Part I): In Honor of the Inauguration of the Adwa Memorial Museum in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Author’s Note: Today, February 11, 2024, is a date that shall live in eternal glory in Ethiopian history and immortal memory in the consciousness of all Africans. If Ethiopia’s victory at the Battle of Adwa in 1896 teaches Ethiopia’s enemies and frenemies anything, it is this: Ethiopians will never, never be dictated to by any

The Crocodile Tears of the Bli-Den (Blinken-Biden) Administration Over “Human Rights” Violations in Ethiopia (Part I): In Honor of the Inauguration of the Adwa Memorial Museum in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Author’s Note: Today, February 11, 2024, is a date that shall live in eternal glory in Ethiopian history and immortal memory in the consciousness of all Africans. If Ethiopia’s victory at the Battle of Adwa in 1896 teaches Ethiopia’s enemies and frenemies anything, it is this: Ethiopians will never, never be dictated to by any

Could Peace Be At Hand In The Sudan: The Addis Ababa Declaration of January 2, 2024

Africa Solutions to African Problems On January 2, 2024,  the Coordinating Body of the Democratic Civil Forces (Taqaddum) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) signed the Addis Ababa Declaration which proposes an immediate ceasefire to stop the “high human cost of the war, its scourges and torments and horrific violations committed against civilians” in the