Why Tedros Adhanom is Working Like Hell to Save the TPLF and Himself From Going to Hell in a Handbasket!
Special Author’s Note: I ask all who read this commentary to TAKE ACTION to ensure Tedros Adhanom is held accountable for his flagrant violation of Ethiopia’s sovereignty and direct interference in its internal affairs on behalf of a registered and certified terrorist organization known as the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) while serving as World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General and related breach of the WHO ethical rules.
First, I ask my readers to file a formal ethics rules violations complaint against Adhanom using this link which offer multiple options including mail, free telephone and online form: https://www.who.int/about/ethics/integrity-hotline
Details of WHO ethics violations and how to file a confidential and anonymous complaint are provided at the end of this commentary.
Second, I ask my readers to reach out and educate WHO employees on how Adhanom is hyper-politicizing WHO damaging its credibility and undermining global confidence in the institution by secretly using the resources and prestige of the WHO to shield and promote a registered and certified terrorist organization from legal accountability in Ethiopia.
Please use the following links which contain emails, social media accounts and other information to educate WHO employees and leadership:
WHO Twitter: https://twitter.com/who
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WHO
By mail, email, telephone, feedback, media pages by using links below:
Third, I ask my readers to contact the WHO Board and demand a swift and open investigation into Adhanom’s abuse of power and office of the Director-General in clear violation of WHO ethics rules at this link: https://apps.who.int/gb/gov/en/composition-of-the-board_en.html
Tedros Adhanom, WHO Director-General caught red-handed lobbying the international community for the TPLF terrorist organization
It is now established that Tedros Adhanom, the current Director-General of the World Health Organization is using his international network to provide military support and to bring diplomatic pressure on PM Abiy Ahmed to negotiate with the junta leadership of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front.
A “top Ethiopian official” has confirmed Adhanom is
fully engaged in soliciting diplomatic and military support for the TPLF and has been lobbying the UN agencies to exert pressure on the Ethiopian government to unconditionally stop its military action against the TPLF. He has been relentlessly demonizing us. He has allied himself with Egypt, which had been bent on destabilizing Ethiopia for decades and aborting construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), is tantamount to treason. He repeatedly called top officials of many neighboring nations and pressured them to provide military and diplomatic support to the TPLF. Those countries, which we cannot name, told us they declined Tedros’s requests, saying the conflict was an internal Ethiopian affair and they stand with us. Tedros is serving as a full-time diplomat of the TPLF, breaching the duties of the director-general of the WHO. We are readying a protest note to the WHO and other relevant bodies.
Adhanom’s frantic not-so-secret mission to save the TPLF or himself?
Why is Adhanom frantically calling his friends in the U.N., the African Union, the European Union and what have you to stop the Ethiopian federal government’s police action in Tigray region?
Is he trying to save his doomed TPLF comrades or his own skin?
The answer is simple. Adhanom can read the writing on the wall.
Once the federal police action in Tigray is completed and the TPLF terrorist junta criminals are apprehended and taken into custody, Adhanom, Berhane Gebrechristos and few other stragglers who are outside Ethiopia will be the last TPLF men left standing (not cooling their heels in jail).
Adhanom knows once his TPLF comrades are in the can, he is FINISHED!
The long arm of the law will be reaching out for him.
His name and photo will be added to “Ethiopia’s Most Wanted List”, which now has over one hundred TPLF leaders.

So, Adhanom wants to negotiate and make a deal while making arrangements for arms delivery to the TPLF.
Adhanom is lobbying the international community to pressure PM Abiy to accept the following terms:
1) Immediately stop the federal government’s police action in Tigray region;
2) Agree to an international mediation effort to resolve differences between the TPLF junta leadership and the Ethiopian federal government;
3) Guarantee the leadership of the TPLF junta immunity from prosecution for any crimes they have committed during their nearly three-decade rule; defer prosecution
4) Refrain from taking any further legal, military, civil or administrative action against the TPLF junta and dissolve the temporary Tigray administration appointed by parliament.
5) The federal police action represents ethnic persecution.
6) Failure to negotiate with the TPLF will plunge the country into civil war.
7) Let bygones be bygones.
8) Take no action that will endanger his position as WHO Director-General.
Adhanom masterminded the continental effort to get African countries out of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
What Adhanom is doing today on behalf of the TPLF is exactly what he did for Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir and President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Vice President William Ruto indicted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.
In 2013, Adhanom ,as foreign minister, orchestrated a fierce defense of Bashir, Kenyatta and Ruto to avoid prosecution in the ICC.
In October 2011, the ICC indicted Kenyatta and Ruto on charges of crimes against humanity in connection with the communal post-election violence between supporters of presidential candidates Raila Odinga and Mwai Kibaki in 2008. The U.N. reported some 1,200 people died in Kenya in weeks of unrest between December 2007 and February 2008, and 600,000 people were forcibly displaced.
Adhanom left no stones unturned to make sure Kenyatta and Ruto will not face justice in the ICC.
Just as Adhanom today is frantically trying to save his TPLF partners in crimes against humanity, in 2013 Adhanom frantically pulled the race card and called a “special summit of the African Union to discuss mass withdrawal from the International Criminal Court” unless the ICC criminal cases against Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto at the ICC were dropped.
Just like Adhanom is today demanding immunity from prosecution for his TPLF comrades, in 2013 he demanded, “sitting heads of state and governments should not be prosecuted while in office.”
Adhanom’s argument then was race-based as his argument today is ethnic based.
In the ICC cases, Adhanom made the racist argument that white judges and prosecutors in The Hague were hunting down black African leaders like safari animals and charging them with crimes against humanity. The fact of the matter was that the ICC chief prosecutor was a Gambian woman named Fatou B. Bensouda and one-half of the 19 ICC judges were from Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe
Today, Adhanom makes the argument that the police action taken against the TPLF junta members is an ethnic-based huntdown down of his comrades.
Adhanom game plan to end-run the ICC was based on strategically galvanizing the 34 African signatory states to turn their backs on the Rome Statute (treaty) which allows for crimes against humanity and related offenses to be prosecuted in the ICC when national courts are unable or unwilling to take legal action on their own.
Adhanom’s current arguments to negotiate a deal for his TPLF comrades eerily echoes his arguments to shield Bashir, Kenyatta and Ruto from ICC prosecution.
In capsule form, Adhanom’s argument to shield Kenyatta, Ruto and Bashir were based on the following points:
1) “Sitting Heads of State and Government should not be prosecuted while in office and their “immunities cannot be taken lightly”.
2) Let bygones be bygones. There is a need in the continent to “balance justice and reconciliation in complex conflict situations”.
3) The ICC is a “political instrument targeting Africa and Africans.”
4) The 34 African states that signed the Rome Statute were snookered because they “joined the ICC perhaps fully concerned that the organization would promote the cause of justice with a sense of impartiality and justice. The practice so far however leaves so much to be desired.”
5) The ICC prosecution of Kenyatta, Ruto and Bashir will upset the “reconciliation process.”
6) The ICC and the U.N. Security Council use a “double standard of justice”– a harsh and unfair one for African suspects and something else for others.
7) “We should not allow the ICC to continue to treat Africa and Africans in a condescending manner.”
8) Investigating and prosecuting heads of states “has wider ramifications for Kenya and Africa as a whole. We do not want this simplistic suspect/victim approach to destabilize Kenya and our region.”
9) Prosecution of Kenyatta and Ruto “in an international court infringes on the sovereignty of Kenya and undermines the progress achieved thus far in the country’s reconciliations and reform process.”
10) The “search for justice should be pursued in a way that does not impede or jeopardize efforts aimed at promoting lasting peace.”
Give African criminals against humanity and the the TPLF junta “get out of jail free card”
Adhanom today in his efforts to pressure PM Abiy to the negotiating table is making the same argument.
Investigating, arresting and prosecuting leaders of the TPLF junta “has wider ramifications for Ethiopia and Africa as a whole. We do not want this simplistic suspect/victim approach to destabilize Ethiopia and our region.”
The prosecution of the TPLF junta will prevent a reconciliation process.
The Ethiopian federal government is ethnically targeting Tigreans.
Prosecution of the TPLF junta will undermines the progress achieved thus far in the country’s reconciliation and reform process.
Let bygones be bygones and start fresh at the negotiating table.
Such are the arguments Adhanom is making to convince his friends in the international community to pressure PM Abiy.
Adhanom is trying to save his own skin above all else because he was the third in command of the TPLF regime and is a prime suspect in crimes against humanity
As health minister, Adhanom turned a blind eye to torture victims and political prisoners.
Since coming to power in 1991, the TPLF has widely practiced torture in prisons and detention facilities. A 2008 study commissioned by Adhanom’s regime reported subhuman health conditions in Ethiopia’s prisons.
Prisoners in TPLF jails were routinely denied health care.
Recently, a former political prisoner documented the shocking torture he suffered and the denial of medical care he experienced in one of TPLF’s atrocious prisons. Another prominent political prisoner has also provided details on how she was denied medical care for her breast cancer.
The U.S. State Department in 2012 reported “nearly 62 percent of inmates in various jails across the country suffered from mental health problems as a result of solitary confinement, overcrowding, and lack of adequate health care facilities and services.” The report concluded, “The deliberate physical, psychological, and sexual mistreatment of inmates by prison officials is also a persistent and pervasive issue of concern.”
Torture is a major human rights issue that implicates health. Torture, genocide, arbitrary detentions are critical public health issues. Unsanitary and overcrowded prisons holding hundreds of thousands of political and other prisoners present major health issues.
Adhanom was health minster when these crimes against humanity were occurring in the prisons. He was fully aware of them and it was his responsibility to address them.
What has Adhanom done to stop or mitigate torture in T-TPLF prisons and jails?
What has Adhanom done to improve or provide the most minimal health care for the hundreds of thousands of political and other prisoners in T-TPLF jails?
The Ethiopian Government should issue an international arrest warrant for Tedros Adhanom as a fugitive from justice and lodge a formal protest with the WHO Board
Tedros Adhanom can now be legitimately classified as “enemy combatant diplomat” for abusing his position and power as WHO Director-General by mobilizing diplomatic support for the TPLF and making arrangements for delivery of weapons to TPLF terrorists.
There is evidence to indicate that as health and foreign minister Adhanom has engaged in serious financial crimes against the state.
Currently, the Ethiopian attorney General has issued dozens of arrest warrants have been issued against TPLF junta leaders and their partners in crimes against humanity, reason and other crimes.
It is high time for Ethiopia’s Attorney General to issue an international arrest warrant for Tedros Adhanom.
Exactly a year ago today, the Attorney General issued an arrest warrant for the notorious former security chief Getachew Assefa suspected of gross human rights violations including torture. His deputy was arrested a few days go.
In 2018, Jurgen Stock, Secretary-General of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) assured officials that it “would arrest fugitives wherever they are and handover to Ethiopia to face justice.”
It is time to notify Interpol and gain their cooperation in the arrest and rendition of Tedros Adhanom to Ethiopia for justice.
It is also high time for the Government of Ethiopia to lodge a formal protest with the WHO Board detailing its allegations of flagrant breach of Ethiopian sovereignty and gunrunning for the TPLF.
How to file a complaint against Adhanom using WHO’s Integrity Hotline
The WHO has an Integrity Hotline that allows anyone with information on violation of WHO ethical rules.
The Integrity Hotline is available at this link: https://www.who.int/about/ethics/integrity-hotline
Reports can be made confidentially or anonymously by phone (free), by email or through an online form.
Use the Integrity Hotline and demand an investigation into Adhanom’s abuse of office and power as WHO Director-General serving as a TPLF diplomat
WHO has five basic ethics rules which must be observed by all WHO employees.
Adhanom has flagrantly violated all of them.
“Integrity: Observe national and local laws at all times. Avoid any action that could be perceived as an abuse of privileges and immunities.”
Adhanom has abused the privileges and immunities of his office to serve as a diplomat for the TPLF, an organization registered as a “terrorist’ in the Global Terrorism Database.
Accountability: Record all transactions and prepare accurate and complete records, in accordance with established procedures.”
Adhanom has failed to record his lobbying transactions with international organizations on behalf of the TPLF terrorist organization.
Independence and Impartiality: Exercise discretion at all times in their personal political activities and in expressing their personal opinions and beliefs. Conduct oneself with the interests of WHO only in view and under the sole authority of the Director-General, and to ensure that personal views and convictions do not compromise ethical principles, official duties or the interests of WHO. Refrain from seeking or obtaining, under any circumstance, instructions or undue assistance from any government official or from any other authority external to the Organization.
Adhanom has violated his duty to “conduct oneself with the interests of WHO only” by lobbying and advocating the interests of the TPLF above WHO’s. He has also sought “undue assistance from any government official or from any other authority external to the Organization” on behalf of the TPLF flagrantly violating his ethical duty of independence and impartiality..
Respect: Maintain a professional environment characterized by good working relations and an atmosphere of courtesy and mutual respect.
Adhanom has violated the rule on respect by destroying good working relations between Ethiopia and WHO and created an atmosphere of suspicion, distrust and recrimination.
Professional Commitment: Demonstrate a high level of professionalism and loyalty to the Organization, its mandate and objectives.
Adhanom has violated his duty of professional commitment by showing loyalty to the TPLF at the great detriment of the WHO.
For whom the bell of justice tolls
Tedors Adhanom:
Send not to know
For whom the bell of justice tolls,
It tolls for thee!