Out of Touch in the Horn of Africa?

Originally appeared in the Huffington Post on  2/20/2011 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alemayehu-g-mariam/out-of-touch-in-the-horn_b_825795.html The Berlin Conference of 2009 In 1884, the Berlin Conference was convened by the European imperial powers to carve out colonial territories in Africa. It was called the “Scramble for Africa”. In 2009, another Berlin Conference was convened by a high level group of diplomats (referring…

Ethiopia: In Defense of the Voice of America

Alemayehu G. Mariam Meles Zenawi seems to have a morbid fascination with genocide. Whenever the going gets tough — bad news, tightening election campaigns, stiffening political opposition — he whips out the specter of Rwandan-style “interhamwe” (which in Kinyarwanda or Rwanda means “those who stand, work, fight, attack together”) in Ethiopia to change the subject….