Ethiopia: Birtukan, Invictus! (Unconquered)

By Alemayehu G. Mariam Birtukan Midekssa condemned to life in prison by a vengeful dictator, but unconquered. Birtukan thrown into the dungeon of wrath and tears, but defiant. Birtukan beaten, bludgeoned and bloodied, but unbowed. Birtukan mocked, ridiculed and disrespected, but gracious. Birtukan denounced, vilified, strong-armed and manhandled, but unafraid. Ethiopia under the crushing boots…

The Art of War on Ethiopia’s Independent Press

By Alemayehu G. Mariam Use a sledgehammer to smash a butterfly! That is the exquisite art of war unleashed on Ethiopia’s independent press by the dictatorship of Meles Zenawi today. The latest near-casualties in Zenawi’s war on Truth have just escaped by the skin of their teeth. Their distress signal ricocheted across cyberspace last week….

The Toxic Ecology of African Dictatorships

By Alemayehu G. Mariam The inconvenient truth about Africa today is that dictatorship presents a far more perilous threat to the survival of Africans than climate change. The devastation African dictators have wreaked upon the social fabric and ecosystem of African societies is incalculable. Over the past several decades, bloodthirsty dictators like Uganda’s Idi Amin,…

Africorruption, Inc.

By Alemayehu G. Mariam Transparency International [TI] (the global coalition against corruption) has just released its 2009 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). Once again, Africa has the dubious honor of being Kleptocracy Central, the continental home of the most corrupt governments in the world. Leading the parade of kleptocracies are the regimes in Ethiopia, Sudan, Zimbabwe,…


By Alemayehu G. Mariam “No alternative in the opposition,” they whispered anonymously. What a disgusting phrase to use in justifying support for a ruthless dictatorship? That is apparently the scuttlebutt on Embassy Row in Addis Abeba. Reuters’ Barry Malone reported last week, “Most Western governments want Meles to continue because there is no alternative in…