President el-Sisi greeting kidnapped Ethiopains rescued from Libya

El-Sisi: Ethiopia’s Friend in Need, Indeed!

A friend in need is a friend in deed, indeed! Last week, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi stunned the world by rescuing more than two dozen abducted Ethiopians marked for beheadings in Libya by the ruthless self-styled terrorist group known as “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant” (ISIL) (also known as “Islamic State of…

Wendy Sherman and the Ethiopian “Election” That Isn’t

Wendy Sherman and the Ethiopian “Election” That Isn’t

The folly of willful ignorance I did not vote for Ronald Reagan to become U.S. president. But I appreciated some of his witticisms before he became president. In 1964, two years after he dumped the Democrats and joined the Republicans, Reagan astutely noted, “The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s…

Cry Once Again, Our Beloved Country!

Ethiopia: Cry Once Again, Our Beloved Country!

Ethiopian lives matter! Exactly ten years ago in 2005, almost to the month, the late supreme leader of the Thugtatorship of the Tigrean Peoples Liberation Front (T-TPLF), Meles Zenawi, personally directed a campaign of brutal suppression of unarmed protesters following the general election that year. On May 16, 2005, Meles Zenawi declared a state of…

Remembering the Armenian Genocide

Remembering the Armenian Genocide

Author’s Note: The Armenian Genocide which began one hundred years ago this week inside present-day Turkey will be remembered worldwide on April 24. That Genocide began with a roundup of Armenian intellectuals, clergy,  educators, writers, community leaders and other notable members of the Armenian community in Constantinople, (renamed Istanbul in 1923), the capital of the…

A Special Tribute to Prof. Donald Levine

A Special Tribute to Prof. Donald Levine

Donald Levine: The scholars’ scholar This past January, Prof. Levine emailed to tell me about his long-planned visit to Ethiopia that had been thwarted by his illness. He had set three objectives for that trip. He wanted to be present for the launching of his book Interpreting Ethiopia in Addis Ababa. He wanted to witness the opening…

The Dam Dammed by Cash Flow?

Ethiopia: The Dam Dammed by Cash Flow?

In my March 2013 commentary, “Rumors of Water War on the Nile?”, I argued: … Whether there will be an actual “Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam” [GERD] is the $5bn dollar question of the century. Because Egypt has been successful in pressuring multilateral development and investment banks not to fund the project, the regime in Ethiopia…

A Tale of Tall Tales and “Ethiopia’s Diplomat-in-Chief”

What does a malaria researcher know about the art and science of diplomacy? Or for that matter the difference between telling the truth and telling lies? Or condoning or condemning lies? These are not trick questions.   Tedros Adhanom is the “foreign minister” in the Thugtatroship of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (T-TPLF). In the official “Ministry of Foreign Affairs Biography of the Minister”, Adhanom is described  as “an internatio […]