Quo Vadis Ethiopia: Where Are You (not) Going?

Quo Vadis Ethiopia: Where Are You (not) Going?

(Excerpted English version of speech given at the “Conference on the Future of Ethiopia: Transition, Democracy, and National Unity” organized by Vision Ethiopia on March 27, 2016 at the Marriott Georgetown.) … I want to thank Vision Ethiopia and the organizers of the “Conference on the Future of Ethiopia: Transition, Democracy, and National Unity”. When…

Cuba! Hail, Barack Obama, Diplocrite-in-Chief !

Cuba! Hail, Barack Obama, Diplocrite-in-Chief !

President Barack Obama is in Cuba!  On a mission. Liberate Cubans from “communist” mental slavery! Hooray! Cuba libre! Free Cuba! Back in 1898, another American president-to-be, Teddy “The Rough Rider” Roosevelt and crew caught a boat from Tampa, FL and set off on a mission to liberate the Cubans. From the Spanish. That “splendid little…

I Remember the March 21, 1960 Sharpeville Massacre in South Africa

I Remember the March 21, 1960 Sharpeville Massacre in South Africa

  Every year, I remember two massacres in Africa. In March, I remember the March 21, 1960 white apartheid regime Sharpeville massacre in South Africa. In November, I remember the Meles Massacres of June 8, 2005 and November 1-10 and 14-16, 2005 in Ethiopia committed by the black apartheid regime of the Tigrean Peoples Liberation…

Trumpenstein Goes to Circus Court:  Trump’s Trump Card Against Hillary

Trumpenstein Goes to Circus Court: Trump’s Trump Card Against Hillary

Robert Kagan, a well-known neocon, recently argued “Trump is the GOP’s Frankenstein monster. Now he’s strong enough to destroy the party.” Kagan reamed establishment Republicans: “Trump is no fluke. Nor is he hijacking the Republican Party or the conservative movement. He is [the] party’s  Frankenstein’s monster, brought to life by the party, fed by the party and…

The T-TPLF’s War on Ethiopian Taxi Drivers

The T-TPLF’s War on Ethiopian Taxi Drivers

In America, they call it “Three-Strikes Law”. Criminals who commit three violent or serious crimes are given 25 years to life. The T-TPLF has declared war on Ethiopian taxi drivers! In Ethiopia, the T-TPLF (Thugtatorship of the Tigrean Peoples Liberation Front) is implementing (allegedly suspended for 3 months) what is the economic equivalent of  three-strikes-and-you-are-out-of-the-taxi-business…

Ethiopia: Kickin’ it with Reeyot Invictus and…

Ethiopia: Kickin’ it with Reeyot Invictus and…

Author’s note: This is Part I in a forthcoming series relating my conversations with Reeyot Alemu and her amazing story in the defense of press freedom in Ethiopia. It is also about conversations with an extraordinary group of young Ethiopians living in Las Vegas who are dedicated to building good governance in a New Ethiopia founded on…

A Special “Message in a Bottle” to Ethiopian Cheetahs: Born Free, Live Free!

A Special “Message in a Bottle” to Ethiopian Cheetahs: Born Free, Live Free!

(Classified: For Ethiopian Cheetahs’ Eyes Only) My first “Message” from 2013 This is my second special message to Ethiopia’s “Cheetah Generation”, Ethiopia’s young people, in three years. In January 2013, I wrote a new year’s message in which I dedicated that year to Ethiopia’s Cheetah Generation. I described Ethiopia’s Cheetah Generation comprising of not only…

Bern, Baby, Bern in “Hell (All Y’all) Women Who Don’t Support Hillary”?

Bern, Baby, Bern in “Hell (All Y’all) Women Who Don’t Support Hillary”?

A fatwa against young women? Hell hath no fury like a… Who said that? William Congreve or William Shakespeare? Two high priestess of the establishment democratic party last week issued their fatwas from the Clinton Canine Command Center (CCCC) against wayward young American women who do not tow the line blindly and follow Hillary Clinton…