The Truth About T-TPLF  Genocide Lies and Disinformation in Ethiopia

The Truth About T-TPLF  Genocide Lies and Disinformation in Ethiopia

Author’s Note: I have written this commentary for several reasons. First, in my September 5, 2016 commentary, I announced that the T-TPLF will soon roll out a major disinformation campaign to discredit the massive popular uprising in the country and re-write the true story of valor and courage by the Ethiopian people with systematic lies…

Trumputin, the Manchurian Candidate?

Trumputin, the Manchurian Candidate?

A couple of days ago President Barack Obama slammed Donald “Only-I-Can-Fix-It” Trump for showing up on Russian state-owned network and dissing America’s “dishonest” media. Obama rhetorically wondered out loud: “Think about the fact that [Putin] is Donald Trump’s role model. I have to do business with Putin, I have to do business with Russia, that’s…

“Joy Comes in the Morning!”: My Message for the Ethiopian New Year 2009 (E.C.)

“Joy Comes in the Morning!”: My Message for the Ethiopian New Year 2009 (E.C.)

September 11, 2016 is the beginning of the 2009 Ethiopian New Year (Meskerem 1, Ethiopian Calendar [E.C.]).[1] It is painful for me to utter the words, “Happy Ethiopian New Year- 2009” (Melkam Adis Amet) this new year. 2008 E.C. has been a Year of Mourning for the people of Ethiopia. In 2008 E.C., the Thugtatorship…

The Lies and Disinformation Campaigns of the T-TPLF

Does the LF in TPLF stand for Lie Factory? The T-TPLF  (Thugtatorship of the Tigrean Peoples Liberation Front) has now launched a slick disinformation campaign to discredit and diminish the historic popular uprisings against it in Ethiopia. The ruling T-TPLF party in Ethiopia is a criminal terrorist organization listed  in the Global Terrorism Data Base. Disinformation…

የተቆጡ ነብሮች!

Ethiopia: Rise of the “Amhara Retards” and Oromo “Criminals and Terrorists” in 2016?

Are Amharas “retards”? Are Oromo protesters demanding an end to confiscation of their land “criminals and terrorists”? Are we now witnessing the rise of the “Amhara retards” and the Oromo “criminals and terrorists ” in Ethiopia? The T-TPLF (Thugtatorship of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front) and its handmaidens say Amharas and Oromos are just a…

Insane in the brain?

Donald Trump, Assassin-in-Chief?: Cry Havoc! and .… Hillary!

  In my July 25  commentary entitled “Cry Havoc! And Unleash the Dogs of War at the Republican Convention?”, I argued that Trump is a very dangerous demagogue hell-bent on starting a civil war in America. In his convention speech Trump said, “I am your voice. I have a message for all of you…” In his…

In Defense of Donald Trump, Sacrificer-in- Chief (SIC)!

In Defense of Donald Trump, Sacrificer-in- Chief (SIC)!

What has Donald Trump sacrificed?! In a stirring speech at the Democratic National Convention last week, Khizr Khan, father of U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan who died in Iraq in 2004 after directing his troops to take cover while he confronted a terrorist in a bomb laden car, pulled out his copy of the U.S. Constitution…