What Do WE Want and Do NOW (that we are thinking about what we want and do?) (Part 3)

What Do WE Want and Do NOW (that we are thinking about what we want and do?) (Part 3)

Author’s Note: This is the third successive installment in a series I have called “What Do WE Want and Do NOW?”.  The serialized commentaries have three aims: 1) take stock of the impact of the recent uprisings in Ethiopia against the backdrop of the extreme repression (“state of emergency”) unleashed by the Thugtatorship of the…

What Do WE Want and Do NOW (that we are under T-TPLF Reign of Terror)? (Part 2)

What Do WE Want and Do NOW (that we are under T-TPLF Reign of Terror)? (Part 2)

These perpetual little panics of the French – which all arise from fear of the moment when they will really have to learn the truth – give one a much better idea of the Reign of Terror. We think of this as the reign of people who inspire terror; on the contrary, it is the…

Donald (“The Octopus”) Trump: Sexual-Predator (Groper) -in-Chief?

Donald (“The Octopus”) Trump: Sexual-Predator (Groper) -in-Chief?

“Lock him up! Register the predator in the sex offender registry!” Trump admitted he is a “sexual predator” on the Howard Stern Show in 2006. Howard Stern:    Donald. Seriously. You know about sexual predators and things like that. Robin Quivers (co-host Howard Stern Show):    You are one! (Laughter.) Trump:    It’s true. (Nodding…

Ethiopia: State of Emergency or T-TPLF S.O.S. (Save Our Souls/Ship) Emergency?

Ethiopia: State of Emergency or T-TPLF S.O.S. (Save Our Souls/Ship) Emergency?

The jig is up for the T-TPLF! Game over! Did the T-TPLF just pull off a publicity stunt by declaring a “state of emergency”? Or was it a big distress signal the T-TPLF sent out, “Save Our Souls/Save Our Ship”? I enjoy  T-TPLF scams, disinformation, hypes and con games. I really do. I even grudgingly…

Ethiopia: Cry! Cry Freedom the Beloved Country!

Ethiopia: Cry! Cry Freedom the Beloved Country!

I cry for the hundreds of victims of the October 2, 2016 Irreecha Festival Massacres in Ethiopia. I also cry out for freedom, democracy and human rights in Ethiopia. On October 2, 2016,  troops loyal to the Tigrean Peoples’ Liberation Front (T-TPLF) opened fire indiscriminately on crowds attending one of the most important cultural and…

T-TPLF’s Killing Fields in Ethiopia: Massacre by Stampede at the Irreecha Festival!

T-TPLF’s Killing Fields in Ethiopia: Massacre by Stampede at the Irreecha Festival!

Author’s Note: On October 2, 2016,  troops loyal to the Tigrean Peoples’ Liberation Front (T-TPLF) opened fire indiscriminately on crowds attending one of the most important cultural and spiritual events in Ethiopia, the Irreecha (Thanksgiving) Festival  in the town of Bishoftu, some 45 miles southeast of the capital Addis Ababa. An estimated 500 plus people…

Ethiopia: The T-TPLF’s War on American NGOs

Ethiopia: The T-TPLF’s War on American NGOs

Another T-TPLF disinformation campaign: This time against American NGOs Over the past three weeks, I have been writing about the T-TPLF’s sneaky and crude disinformation campaigns of mass distraction to discredit the current massive uprising against its oppressive rule in Ethiopia. This week I address the T-TPLF’s disinformation campaign that American NGOs (non-governmental organizations) are…

Debretsion Gebremichael

Disinformation in T-TPLF Land of Living Lies: Pinocchio Preaches Truth Against Perception in Ethiopia?

Author’s Note: This is the third successive commentary I have written on the intensifying T-TPLF disinformation campaign in Ethiopia. On September 5, I  announced that the T-TPLF would soon roll out a massive disinformation campaign to discredit the widespread popular uprising against its oppressive rule in Ethiopia. On September 18, I wrote a second commentary…