Habtamu Ayalew’s Shocking Revelations on Torture in Ethiopia- VOA Interview (Amharic)- Part 1 (3/22/17)

Habtamu Ayalew’s Shocking Revelations on Torture in Ethiopia- VOA Interview (Amharic)- Part 1 (3/22/17)

“The former spokesman for the opposition Andenet (Unity) party was arrested on July 8, 2014 and charged with terrorism for allegedly collaborating with the opposition Ginbot 7, which the Ethiopian government has designated a terrorist group. He was detained at the notorious Maekelawi and Qilinto Prisons, where he was subjected to torture and other ill…

No Honor at Tampere University for a Dictator in Ethiopia

No Honor at Tampere University for a Dictator in Ethiopia

Author’s Note: In my March 19, 2017 commentary,  I indicated that I will be contacting the President and Board Chairman of the Tampere University of Technology to withdraw or rescind the offer of an honorary doctoral degree to Hailemariam Desalegn, the putative leader of the T-TPLF regime in Ethiopia. Below is a copy of the…

Trashin’ Addis Ababa (New Flower)

Trashin’ Addis Ababa (New Flower)

Author’s Note: The purported prime minster of Ethiopia, Hailemariam Desalegn, is a sanitary engineer with a master’s degree from Tampere University of Technology (TUT) in Finland. The sanitary engineering profession is concerned with the removal and disposal of human waste and finding ways of supplying safe potable water. Last week, under Desalegn’s personal watch nearly 200…

Trump’s suspicion of foreign aid to Africa is right on the money

Trump’s suspicion of foreign aid to Africa is right on the money

Originally appeared in The Hill (o3/09/17.) [Posted on almariam.com on 7/27/17.] http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/foreign-policy/323198-trumps-suspicion-of-foreign-aid-to-africa-is-right-on-the ======================== Mick Mulvaney, the Director of the White House Office of Management Budget confirmed that the Trump administration is set to make “fairly dramatic reductions” in the U.S. foreign aid budget. This announcement will likely disappoint and alarm many in the foreign aid industry. There…

Ethiopia: The Power of Grassroots Advocacy Over Paid Lobbying

Ethiopia: The Power of Grassroots Advocacy Over Paid Lobbying

Author’s Note: This commentary is the third installment in an ongoing series opposing the lobbying efforts of the Praetorian regime in Ethiopia which rules by a declaration of emergency. For years and particularly over the past month, I have strongly argued to the Trump administration to review U.S. foreign aid programs in Ethiopia and Africa….