OPERATION CONSCIENCE: Raising Western Awareness of Ethiopia’s Genocides

OPERATION CONSCIENCE: Raising Western Awareness of Ethiopia’s Genocides

Guest Commentary: David Steinman The challenge of changing official Western policy toward the ruling regime in Ethiopia has frustrated Ethiopia’s opposition for more than a quarter century. The West has never taken meaningful steps to stop the crimes committed by Ethiopia’s brutal dictatorship against the Ethiopian people. Given the level of collusion demonstrated for decades,…

Ethiopia: Ten Days of Accountability and Reckoning for the T-TPLF!

Ethiopia: Ten Days of Accountability and Reckoning for the T-TPLF!

The ten days of T-TPLF kumbaya propaganda charm offensive in Ethiopia I have heard of the “12 Days of Christmas”.  Even sang it. “On the first day of Christmas/ my true love sent to me:/ A Partridge in a Pear Tree/…/” Who has ever  heard of the T-TPLF’s  ten days of the Ethiopian New Year…

Ethiopia & Eritrea: What will it take to break the deadlock?

Ethiopia & Eritrea: What will it take to break the deadlock?

Guest Commentary: Martin Plaut The stalemate along the Ethiopian-Eritrean border benefits almost no-one. Two armies stare at each other across the 1,000 kilometre border – as they have done since June 2000, when the fighting ended. Every so often there is a flare-up. An Eritrean border guard will fire at a refugee attempting to cross…

A Victorious Happy Ethiopian New Year (2010)!

A Victorious Happy Ethiopian New Year (2010)!

Let us look forward happily to the new year with confidence in our hearts and resolve in our minds. Let us learn from the lessons of the past year and apply them even more magnificently in the new. Those great lesson are mass civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance to T-TPLF black apartheid rule. Let us make…

Chinese Neocolonialism in Africa: The Dragon Eating the African Lion and Cheetah? (Part I)

Chinese Neocolonialism in Africa: The Dragon Eating the African Lion and Cheetah? (Part I)

Author’s Note: In March 2013, I wrote a commentary entitled, “The Dragon Eating the Eagle’s Lunch in Africa?”. That commentary 1) lamented the disadvantages of American companies in Africa competing with Chinese state-supported enterprises unchained by anti-corruption laws, 2) the ludicrous idolization of the so-called China Model by African dictators (which to their understanding means suppress democratic institutions…

The Dawn of a New Era in U.S. Human Rights Policy in Africa: Is Ethiopia Next?

The Dawn of a New Era in U.S. Human Rights Policy in Africa: Is Ethiopia Next?

“… We express America’s values from the State Department. We represent the American people. We represent America’s values, our commitment to freedom, our commitment to equal treatment of people the world over, and that message has never changed… I don’t believe anyone doubts the American people’s values or the commitment of the American Government or…

The Dilemma of U.S. Policy in Ethiopia (Part I)

The Dilemma of U.S. Policy in Ethiopia (Part I)

Introduction to the series… This rather long and somewhat discursive introduction to the ongoing series I have dubbed “The Dilemma of U.S. Policy in Ethiopia: Policy Options” [hereinafter “policy options series”] is necessary to set the stage for what I hope will be a cyber platform for ongoing discussions and exchange of creative and innovative…