World Health Organization Board: I told you Tedros Adhanom is an Empty Suit…!

World Health Organization Board: I told you Tedros Adhanom is an Empty Suit…!

Last week, Tedros Adhanom, Director-General of the World Health Organization, nominated Robert Mugabe, the 93 year-old president of Zimbabwe as that organization’s Goodwill Ambassador for Noncommunciable Diseases, a position currently held by former N.Y. City mayor Michael Bloomberg. WHO ambassadorships are often given to “well-known personalities from the worlds of arts, literature, entertainment, sport or other fields…

Fighting T-TPLF Internal Colonialism Through Ethiopiawinet (Ethiopian-ness) (Part I)

Fighting T-TPLF Internal Colonialism Through Ethiopiawinet (Ethiopian-ness) (Part I)

“We only have one Ethiopia… The issue of land in Ethiopia is very serious. Very serious. The source of wealth in this country is land. The source of wealth in this country is land.  (Repeats.) It is land. (Land is the foundation) of Ethiopia, from the beginning (of time), since she was established. If we…

Thanking  the U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia for Standing and Walking on the Right Side of History

Thanking the U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia for Standing and Walking on the Right Side of History

On October 18, 2017, the U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia issued the following statement: United States sees peaceful demonstrations as a legitimate means of expression and political participation.  We note with appreciation a number of recent events during which demonstrators expressed themselves peacefully, and during which security forces exercised restraint in allowing them to do so….

What America gets for its dollars — and its culpability — in Africa

What America gets for its dollars — and its culpability — in Africa

Guest Commentary: Helen Epstein I teach and write about public health in Africa. For years, something about Uganda stumped me. Since 2000, health services have improved in most African countries, but Uganda’s progress lags. Yet Uganda has a remarkable medical history. Well before colonial times, the Baganda, Uganda’s largest tribe, could distinguish plague from smallpox;…

I, PROUD ETHIOPIAN: My Reply to the T-TPLF Birthers Doubting My Ethiopiawinet (Ethiopian-ness)

I, PROUD ETHIOPIAN: My Reply to the T-TPLF Birthers Doubting My Ethiopiawinet (Ethiopian-ness)

Author’s Note: The irony of ironies is that Barack Obama and I now share one thing in common. The hate-mongering birthers in America sought to cast doubt on Obama’s identity and birthplace to delegitimize his presidency by spinning a conspiracy theory that he was born in Kenya. The T-TPLF hate-mongers are now spinning a birther…

Ethiopia: The Day After… the Firestorm

Ethiopia: The Day After… the Firestorm

Author’s Note: The handwriting is on the wall. It is the same message the courageous young people chanted at the 2016 Irreecha festival before they were cut down by T-TPLF machine guns, “Down, down, woyane!” The rats are abandoning the Ship of State T-TPLF (SS T-TPLF). Today, reported T-TPLF president Mulatu Teshome submitted his…

My Letter to President Trump Requesting Targeted Sanctions Against the TPLF Regime in Ethiopia

My Letter to President Trump Requesting Targeted Sanctions Against the TPLF Regime in Ethiopia

October 2, 2017 Donald Trump President of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Re: REQUEST FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST PERSONS AND ENTITIES INVOLVED IN THE IRRECHA MASSACRES ON OCTOBER 2, 2016 AND OTHER CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY COMMITTED IN ETHIOPIA  Dear Mr. President: I am writing this letter for two…

Chinese Investments in Africa: “Chopsticks Mercantilism”

Chinese Investments in Africa: “Chopsticks Mercantilism”

Guest Commentary: George B N Ayittey In the early parts of the 21st century, China became an important source of finance for African development. The continent’s infrastructure was in disrepair; it had crumpled after decades of abject neglect and destruction from senseless civil wars. A substantial investment was – and still – needed to rebuild…

Ethiopia: I told you so, Sai Karuturi. But you would not listen!

Ethiopia: I told you so, Sai Karuturi. But you would not listen!

Author’s Note: Last week, the infamous landgrabber in Ethiopia, Sai Karuturi, wrote a letter  informing the black apartheid T-TPLF (Thugtatorship of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front) prime minister that he has had enough and wants out. Karuturi “accused the (T-TPLF) state of nationalizing its farming investments” and demanded “adequate and appropriate redress.” Karuturi  also condemned…