Romancing the “Wounded Beast” in Ethiopia: Is Reconciliation Without Truth Possible? (Part I)

Romancing the “Wounded Beast” in Ethiopia: Is Reconciliation Without Truth Possible? (Part I)

Author’s Note: This is the first installment in a three-part series on prospects “mediation”, “reconciliation” and “negotiation” with the ruling Thugtatorship of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (T-TPLF). In part I, I discuss why the current discussion on “mediation”, “reconciliation” and “negotiation” with the T-TPLF is of the utmost importance to me personally, why it…

Ambassador Herman Cohen

TPLF Monopoly “on Economic and Political Power in Ethiopia Could Not Possibly Last” – Ambassador Herman Cohen

Author’s Note: In a recent interview on Voice of America- Amharic Service (for audio of original English interview click here) former U.S. Assistant  Secretary of State for African Affairs and U.S. ambassador, Herman Jay (Hank) Cohen, called for U.S. mediation and reconciliation among stakeholders in Ethiopia to prevent the “collapse of law and order” in Ethiopia….

T-TPLF Playing Political Football with Political Prisoners in Ethiopia

T-TPLF Playing Political Football with Political Prisoners in Ethiopia

TPLF: Does the LF stand for Lie Factory? Is it Meles or Melies? The “LF” in TPLF stands for Lie Factory. Melies Zenawi was the chief executive officer of the TP Lie Factory. With last week’s announcement of  the so-called “release of political prisoners” by the T-TPLF, I am absolutely convinced the TPLF is a factory…

Trump administration deserves credit for the announced release of political prisoners in Ethiopia

Trump administration deserves credit for the announced release of political prisoners in Ethiopia

BY ALEMAYEHU G. MARIAM, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR — 01/05/18 09:20 AM EST 24 THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY CONTRIBUTORS ARE THEIR OWN AND NOT THE VIEW OF THE HILL Originally Posted on The Hill on 01/05/2018 On Jan. 3, 2018, Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn made an equivocal announcement that political prisoners in his country will be released at some…

Kudos! Trump’s First Year Human Rights Record in Africa

Kudos! Trump’s First Year Human Rights Record in Africa

Author’s Note: In this commentary, I offer a personal review of the Trump administration’s human rights record in Africa in 2017. On December 21, 2017, with little fanfare, President Donald Trump issued Executive Order 13818  of  December 20, 2017 for targeted sanctions “declaring a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national…

Ethiopia-Win-Et: Understanding the Mind of the Mastermind of Ethnic Federalism

Ethiopia-Win-Et: Understanding the Mind of the Mastermind of Ethnic Federalism

As long as people believed in ‘a bright future,’ they fought side by side irrespective of nationality – common questions first and foremost! But when doubt crept into people’s hearts, they began to depart, each to his own national tent – let every man count only upon himself! The ‘national question’ first and foremost! –…

Tadesse Biru Kersmo

Ethiopia-Win-Et and British Justice: The Magna Carta Lives on For Tadesse Biru Kersmo

Vindication of the rule of law In his closing argument defending a cabinet minister of a fictional African country called “Naranga”, John Mortimer’s equally fictional character Rumpole of the Bailey argued to the learned African judge: … When London is nothing more than a memory, and the Old Bailey has sunk back in the primeval mud, my…

Ethiopia-Win-Et: The U.S. on the Horns of a Creeping Civil War Dilemma in Ethiopia

Ethiopia-Win-Et: The U.S. on the Horns of a Creeping Civil War Dilemma in Ethiopia

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable…In the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.” — John F. Kennedy The quiet riot of civil disobedience in Ethiopia over the past two years is slowly morphing into a creeping and enveloping civil war….

Ethiopia-win-et: Deconstructing the T-TPLF’s Ethnic Federalism (Part I)

Ethiopia-win-et: Deconstructing the T-TPLF’s Ethnic Federalism (Part I)

Introduction to the series I am developing this multipart series of what I call “Deconstructing Ethnic Federalism in Ethiopia” (along with many other topical series to come) for several reasons. The Thugtatorship of Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (T-TPLF) has used its phony ideology of “ethnic federalism” to hoodwink and bamboozle Ethiopians into believing its system…