Abiy Ahmed: Beating the TPLF Wounded Beast at His Own Game in Ethiopia (Part I)

Abiy Ahmed: Beating the TPLF Wounded Beast at His Own Game in Ethiopia (Part I)

Memorandum to Ethiopia’s Cheetahs: What is needed in Ethiopia today is regime change, not a game of regime musical chairs. What is needed is structural change, fundamental change from thugtatorship to democracy. What is needed is transformational change which ends the culture of corruption, nepotism and cronyism. What is needed is accountability to hold those…

Much Ado About Prime Minister Tweedledee Tweedledum in Ethiopia

Much Ado About Prime Minister Tweedledee Tweedledum in Ethiopia

Bravo! The Thugtatorship of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (T-TPLF) has done it again! The T-TPLF’s latest scam is the equivalent of a children’s Easter egg hunt for “prime minister”. It is a con game called, “The Search for a New (C)Prime Minister”. The T-TPLF bosses have been scheduling, cancelling, rescheduling and cancelling time and…



Author’s Note: This commentary is aimed at the Diaspora Ethiopian media. It aims to accomplish two objectives. First, I aim to openly challenge the Diaspora Ethiopian media not to become unwitting parrots and dupes of the Thugtatorship of the Tigrean People’s Liberation (T-TPLF) and to remain vigilant and expose T-TPLF disinformation campaigns. Second, I wish…

Rex Tillerson, Aboard the Ethiopia Freedom Train!

Rex Tillerson, Aboard the Ethiopia Freedom Train!

                     On March 8, 2018, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson landed his jet at Bole Airport in Addis Ababa and hopped right on the Ethiopia Freedom Train. At his press conference, Secretary Tillerson said for the problems faced by Ethiopians, “the answer is greater freedom for people,…

Open Memorandum to U.S. Sec. of State Rex Tillerson and U.S. Amb. to Ethiopia Michael Raynor

Open Memorandum to U.S. Sec. of State Rex Tillerson and U.S. Amb. to Ethiopia Michael Raynor

The United States will stay the course in Ethiopia, and I hope I can count on each of you [Ethiopians] to do the same.” — U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia Michael Raynor, in his Facebook outreach message message of February 13, 2018. I write this open memorandum on the occasion of U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s…

An “Independent Commissione” for Ethiopia?: A Rejoinder to Tsadkan Gebretensae

An “Independent Commissione” for Ethiopia?: A Rejoinder to Tsadkan Gebretensae

  I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. It hurts too much to cry and it is too funny not to laugh. The T-TPLF will do anything to cling to power. For one more nanosecond. One more second. One more minute. One more hour. One more day. One more month. One more year. One…

To Save Ethiopia From Civil War, Solutions Must Work From the Ground Up

To Save Ethiopia From Civil War, Solutions Must Work From the Ground Up

BY ALEMAYEHU MARIAM, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR — 02/21/18 02:30 PM EST 20 Originally Posted on The Hill on 02/21/18 http://thehill.com/opinion/international/374900-to-save-ethiopia-from-civil-war-solutions-must-work-from-the-ground-up Ethiopia teeters on the edge of a precipice. For the past two years, waves of defiant public protests have made the country ungovernable and posed an existential threat to the ruling party that has been in power since…

198 Ways to Fight the T-TPLF’s State of Emergency in Ethiopia and Win

198 Ways to Fight the T-TPLF’s State of Emergency in Ethiopia and Win

“One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.” — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The T-TPLF state of emergency declaration is an unjust law! The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress… If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and…

 Is the T-TPLF Running Another Resignation Scam in Ethiopia?

 Is the T-TPLF Running Another Resignation Scam in Ethiopia?

Yesterday, T-TPLF prime minster Hailemariam Desalegn “resigned”. Today, it is rumored the T-TPLF is ready to declare another state of emergency to continue to cling to power. In October 2016, the T-TPLF declared a state of emergency for itself. The T-TPLF is on life support once again. Quick to the state of emergency room! A state…

The Case for an Ethiopiawinet-Centered Grassroots Reconciliation Process (Part IV)

The Case for an Ethiopiawinet-Centered Grassroots Reconciliation Process (Part IV)

Holding the Feet (Hooves) of the Wounded Beast to the Fire Author’s Note: This is the fourth installment of what I initially planned to be a three-part series on prospects for truth and reconciliation in Ethiopia. I have explained the purposes of the series in the Author’s Note of Part I and Part II along with other issues. In…