Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund is Now Live: A Labor of Love, A Work in Progress

Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund is Now Live: A Labor of Love, A Work in Progress

… In the Western world, one cup of macchiato [coffee with milk] could cost $3, $4 or $5 U.S. dollars. But what I beg of the Diaspora is to take $1 from their daily macchiato expense and give it to their country. We could establish a trust fund and open accounts in Ethiopia and/or America….

Tomfoolery in Ethiopia: “No Fool Like an Old Fool”

Tomfoolery in Ethiopia: “No Fool Like an Old Fool”

I don’t know what is wrong with some people in my generation. Especially those who claim to be political leaders. H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed says, “The true test of leadership is the ability for those in leadership positions to create new leaders to replace them and continue to move forward progress.” Many self-proclaimed…

Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s Youth and the Power of Medemer  

Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s Youth and the Power of Medemer  

Super Congratulations, PM Abiy and Deputy PM Demeke! I want to publicly congratulate H.E. Prime Minster Dr. Abiy Ahmed on his re-election as party chairman and H.E. Demeke Mekonnen as deputy chairman at the 11th Congress of the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Party. When PM Abiy was first appointed on April 2, 2018 following the…

Ethiopia and Abiy Ahmed: What a Difference 180 Days Make?

Ethiopia and Abiy Ahmed: What a Difference 180 Days Make?

Celebrating the six-month anniversary of Abiy Ahmed’s service as prime minister October 2, 2018 marks the six-month anniversary of the appointment of Abiy Ahmed as prime minister of Ethiopia. Six months and one day ago, Ethiopia was on the brink of civil war. On April 2, 2018, Abiy Ahmed literally came out of nowhere and…

እጅ አዙር የስልጣን ዘዋሪዎች የለውጡን ሰዓት እጅ ወደኋላ ዝወራ ሙከራ በኢትዮጵያ !

እጅ አዙር የስልጣን ዘዋሪዎች የለውጡን ሰዓት እጅ ወደኋላ ዝወራ ሙከራ በኢትዮጵያ !

ከፕሮፌሰር አለማየሁ ገብረማርያም ትርጉም በነጻነት ለሀገሬ ለ48 ዓመታት ከኢትዮጵያ ከተለየሁ በኋላ በአሁኑ ጊዜ  ተመለስኩ፡፡ ኢትዮጵያ ለማሰብ ከምችለው በላይ ተለውጣለች፡፡ እንደዚሁም ሁሉ ምንም ዓይነት አልተለወጠችም፡፡ አንድ የቀድሞ አባባል እንዲህ የሚል አንድ እውነታ አለው፡፡ “ነገሮች ሁሉ የበለጠ በተለወጡ ጊዜ የበለጠ እንደቀድሞው ሆነው ይቀራሉ፡፡” ወደፊት በምፅፋቸው ጦማሮቼ አእትዮያ ስላሳለፍኩት አስደናቂ ጊዜ አብራራለሁ። ሆኖም ግን አንድ ፈፅሞ ያልተለወጠ ነገር አለ፡ የጨለማው ጎን ጦረኛ ኃይሎች…

The Invisible Hands Trying to Turn Back the Hands of Time in Ethiopia

The Invisible Hands Trying to Turn Back the Hands of Time in Ethiopia

I just returned from Ethiopia after a 48-year absence. Ethiopia has changed in ways I could not possibly imagine. It also has not changed at all. The old saying is true. The more things change, the more they remain the same. I will share my experiences in my forthcoming commentaries. But there is one thing…

Medemer or not Medemer, That is the Question for All Ethiopians!

Medemer or not Medemer, That is the Question for All Ethiopians!

For Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the question was, “To be or not to be.” For me, the question is “medemer or not medemer.” Hamlet, perplexed in the extreme about his own fate, pondered “Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer/ The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,/ Or to take arms against a sea of troubles/……

Is the Velvet Glove Coming Off the Iron Fist to Face Mob Anarchy in Ethiopia?

Is the Velvet Glove Coming Off the Iron Fist to Face Mob Anarchy in Ethiopia?

Let’s help PM Abiy Ahmed fight fake news and disinformation. ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር አብይ አሕመድን የዉሸት ወሬዎች እና የማወናበጃ መረጃዎችን በመዋጋት  እናግዛቸው! Those who refuse to uphold the rule of law will invite dictators who rule with an iron fist, but they will never be victorious. PM Abiy Ahmed, speaking at a military graduation on August 18,…

ኢትዮጵያውያኖች፣ ያገኘነዉን ታላቅ ሰጦታ አንዳናጣ አይናችንን ከፍተን መጠበቅ አለብን!

ኢትዮጵያውያኖች፣ ያገኘነዉን ታላቅ ሰጦታ አንዳናጣ አይናችንን ከፍተን መጠበቅ አለብን!

ከፕሮፌሰር አለማየሁ ገብረማርያም* እና ከአርቲስት/አክቲቪስት ታማኝ በየነ** ትርጉም በነጻነት ለሀገሬ  [ይህ ጽሁፍ በአማርኛ በአጭሩ እንዲተረጎም ተደርጎ በስፋት የሚሰራጭ ይሆናል፡፡]  Original post: በማህበራዊ መገናኛዎች/ሜዲያ ብቻ ሳይሆን በኢትዮጵያውያን የዲያስፖራው ማህበረሰብ ውስጥ ጭምር በሚሰራጩት አሉባልታዎች፣ የውሸት ወሬዎች እና የማወናበጃ መሪጃዎች ላይ ነቄ ብለናል፡፡ ለማያውቁሽ ታጠኝ እንዲሉ! በጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር አብይ አሕመድ ደህንነት ዙሪያ እየተካሄዱ የሚገኙት የማስፈራራት መሰረተ ቢስ አሉባልታዎች እውነት መሆን…

We Must Keep Our Eyes on the Prize in Ethiopia!

We Must Keep Our Eyes on the Prize in Ethiopia!

Alemayehu G. Mariam* and Tamagne Beyene** [This post will be translated into Amharic shortly and distributed widely.] We are aware of the rumors, fake news and disinformation that are circulating not only on social media but also in Ethiopian Diaspora communities. People contact us to find out if baseless rumors about threats to Prime Minster…