The Bli-Den (Blinken-Biden) Administration’s Gangster Diplomacy in Ethiopia

The Bli-Den administration (Bli-Den-State) State Department has quietly launched a new kind of diplomatic offensive in Ethiopia.

I call it “gangster diplomacy.”

Using the US Embassy in Ethiopia, the Bli-Den-Min (administration) State Department is organizing Western embassies as a street gang to wage a relentless psyop op war (PSYWAR/psychological operations warfare), Cyops (cyber warfare operations) and infowarfare (infowars) on Ethiopia.

The Bli-Den-Min aims to bring diplomatic pressure on Ethiopia by orchestrating diplomatic statements and declarations that dehumanize, demoralize, anathemize, delegitimize, criminalize, illegalize, stigmatize, terrorize and penalize the Ethiopian Government and people. This gangster diplomacy is also used as a weapon of mass public distraction and aims to blacken Ethiopia’s extraordinary achievements after overcoming the effects of Covid 19, crippling Western sanctions and ending a brutal terrorist war fully supported by the Bli-Den-Min and the West.

The singular aim of the Bli-Den-Min gangster diplomacy in Ethiopia is to wage a social and conventional media war of smear and fear and demonization campaign against the Ethiopian Government and the Ethiopian people.

The Bli-Den-Min’s gangster diplomacy is actually based on a simple trick.

The Bli-Den-Min State Department directs the US Embassy in Ethiopia to organize the various Western embassies and lackeys to issue “Statements” criticizing and condemning the Ethiopian Government. It does this because Bli-Den-Min wants to avoid flak by doing its usual blind condemnation of the Ethiopian Government. So, the US Embassy organizes Western (and lackey) embassies into a single gang to do Bli-Den-Min’s diplomatic dirty work.

By organizing Western (and lackey) embassies into a single diplomatic gang, the Bli-Den-Min aims to create the impression that the West (and its lackeys) is speaking in one voice on such matters as human rights and press freedom in Ethiopia.

The mechanics of this diplomatic gangsterism is simple.

The US Embassy circulates a draft “statement,” often harshly critical of the Ethiopian Government, to the various Western embassies. Oftentimes, there is much resistance and reluctance by the various embassies to join in such a statement because  they do not want to butt heads with the Ethiopian Government. After input on the draft from the various embassies, a watered- down statement is drafted in diplomatic language which on its face seems bland, innocuous, inoffensive and less likely to provoke severe diplomatic outrage by the Ethiopian Government.

By ganging up against Ethiopia, the Bli-Den-Min wants to perpetuate a narrative and wage a campaign depicting the Ethiopian government as bloodthirsty, barbaric, cruel, inhuman, brutal and genocidal, and provide moral and diplomatic support to  domestic terrorists in Ethiopia in the guise of concern for human rights and other Western rubbish.

On April 20, 2024, the Gang of 7 issued a “Statement” condemning the Ethiopian Government for lack of “progress towards disarmament, demobilization and reintegration and the peaceful return of internally displaced persons.” The Ethiopian Government let it ride and did not make hay out of that statement.

On May 4, 2022, the US Embassy lined up a gang of 17 embassies to take cheap shots against the Ethiopian Government. The so-called statement condemned the Ethiopian Government for “intimidating and unjustly detaining journalists for doing their jobs.”

The second time US Embassy tried gangster diplomacy, the Ethiopian Government hit back with the equivalent of a Mike Tyson diplomatic left hook: “Resorting to paternalistic joint statements is unhelpful for bilateral relations and undermines the rule of law in Ethiopia.” Ouch!

My personal translation of that diplomatese, “Gang of 17. Dig this. We don’t need your broke ass gang-lecture and hectoring on human rights and press freedom in Ethiopia. Stop your arrogant, hypocritical, condescending BS. Wanna talk about real human rights violations? Let’s. What you gonna do about the fact that Black Americans are incarcerated at nearly 5 times the rate of white Americans?” How come African Americans make up only 14 percent of the US population but 37 percent of all persons in in American jail and prisons.

Yeah! Let’s talk human rights and whether black lives matter in America before we talk about human rights in Ethiopia and whether black Ethiopian lives matter in Ethiopia! 

FACT: The whole gang-signed statement on press freedom in Ethiopia is a crock of ***t!

FACT: I have demonstrated beyond a shadow of doubt that Western journalism on Ethiopia is Western JournaLIEism.

Let’s talk about press freedom in the West, in the US, which is pure fantasy.

The press in the US nominally operates free from government interference. That is because iron-clad control of the “free press” is held by powerful concentrated corporate media interests whose primary and core interest is in making profits and only tangentially serving the public interest, which it does by disinforming, misinforming and manipulating public opinion.

There is little public confidence in the corporate press in the US which is evident in the precipitous decline in subscriptions and readership. The data reveal the slow and inevitable death of corporate media in the US.

Massive waves of layoffs swept the US media throughout 2023 and have continued into 2024, affecting both local newsrooms and major legacy outlets like the Washington Post, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, Sports Illustrated, NBC News, Vice Media and Vox. Over 3,000 jobs were lost in the news industry in 2023, the highest rate since 2020 when over 16,000 jobs were cut.

Press freedom in America is an oxymoron!

Citizen journalism remains the bulwark of American press freedom.

The fact of the matter is that the Western media, by and large, has been a factory manufacturing fake news, instigation, agitation, disinformation, misinformation, confusion, condemnation and denunciation against the Ethiopian Government and the Ethiopian people.

I have demonstrated beyond a shadow of doubt that Western journalism on Ethiopia is Western JournaLIEism.

Read my commentary: Western JournaLIEsm and Ethiopia.

So, the Bli-Den-Min diplomatic trick is revealed to a candid world, to readers who are fair minded and critical thinkers.

But wait, wait! Which countries refused to sign the “Statement”?

France, Italy and others were invited (pressured) to join the gang and sign the “Statement”. They refused, “Thanks, but no thanks! We don’t do gangster diplomacy. We do bilateral diplomacy.”

The French said, “Merci, mais non merci ! Nous ne faisons pas de diplomatie de gangsters. Nous faisons de la diplomatie bilatérale.”

The Italians said, “Grazie, ma no grazie! Noi non facciamo diplomazia da gangster. Facciamo diplomazia bilaterale.”

I say it loud and clear to the Gangster Western Embassies in Ethiopia: ETHIOPIAN SOVEREIGN RIGHTS BEFORE ETHIOPIAN HUMAN RIGHTS.


Just so they get it right, I will repeat it once more in the native languages of the diplomatic gangsters:

Etiopian suvereenit oikeudet ennen Etiopian ihmisoikeuksia! (Finnish)

Äthiopische Souveränitätsrechte vor äthiopischen Menschenrechten! (German)

Etiopiske suveræne rettigheder før etiopiske menneskerettigheder! (Danish)

Etiopská suverénní práva před etiopskými lidskými právy! (Czech)

Etiopiske suverene rettigheter før etiopiske menneskerettigheter! (Norwegian)

¡Los derechos soberanos etíopes antes que los derechos humanos etíopes! (Spanish)

Ethiopische soevereine rechten voor Ethiopische mensenrechten! (Dutch)

Etiopiens suveräna rättigheter före etiopiska mänskliga rättigheter! (Swedish)

What does the Bli-Den-Min aim to accomplish with its gangster diplomacy in Ethiopia?

The propaganda aim is to create the impression and impress upon the Ethiopian Government that the West is united against it and will use the lingo of human rights to wage a disinformation war to bring it down and deny it international legitimacy and credibility.

The diplomatic aim is to signal to the Ethiopian Government that Bli-Den-Min can mobilize, galvanize and organize the West (and its lackeys) at a snap of the finger to drop the hammer on Ethiopia using the empty rhetoric of human rights.

FACT: Over the past three years, the Bli-Den-Min has demonstrated its determination to completely wipe out and trash Ethiopia’s sovereign rights by preaching the gospel of fake human rights.


The Gang of 17 can take their concern about human rights and press freedom in Ethiopia and shove it where the sun don’t shine!

Ethiopians do NOT want the concern or crocodile tears of their FRENEMIES. Capiche!

Last point: 17 powerful Western powers and their lackeys against 1 Ethiopia, is it a fair fight?

Hell! It is not the size of the dog or how many dogs there are in the fight that determines the winner. It is the size of the fight in one dog. Remember Afghanistan where men stood to the last man, and won!





#IamMEGA 💚💛❤️ Make Ethiopia Great Again!