ETV “Arat Mazen” Summary of My Comments on TPLF Lobbyists Arm-Twisting the Ethiopian Government
[This opinion piece first appeared in the Ethiopian Herald on December 19, 2021.] The New York Times’ motto is, “All the news that is fit to print.” That slogan suggests there is no place for “unfit” fake news, fake analysis and fake journalism. That motto is reinforced in the Times’ lofty profession of journalistic standards proclaiming…
First posted on X (Twitter) on September 6, 2024 China has long made its relations with Africa a bedrock of its foreign policy. China has strongly and consistently supported African liberations movements in their struggle against colonialism during the Cold War. Over the past three decades, China has used various strategies to establish close economic…
ከፕሮፌሰር አለማየሁ ገብረማርያም ትርጉም በነጻነት ለሀገሬ …በምዕራቡ ዓለም አንድ ስኒ ሚያኪያቶ (ቡና በወተት) 3 ወይም 4 የአሜሪካ ዶላሮች ያወጣል፡፡ ሆኖም ግን የዲያስፖራውን ማህበረሰብ አጥብቄ የምማጸነው ከዕለታዊ የማኪያቶ ፍጆታ ወጪያቸው አንድ ዶላር በመቀነስ ለሀገራቸው እንዲሰጡ ነው፡፡ የአደራ ገንዘብ/ፈንድ (Trust Fund) መመስረት እና በኢትዮጵያ እና/ወይም በአሜሪካ ሂሳቦችን መክፈት እንችላለን፡፡ እያንዳንዱ የዲያስፖራው ማህበረሰብ አባል በየዕለቱ ለማክያቶ ከሚያወጣው ወጭ እየቀነሰ አንድ…
My latest interviews with ESAT and Ahad Magazine…. Click on this link: Ahad Magazine Al Mariam Interview
“Medemer” (original in Amharic), Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of Ethiopia, 2019 Nobel Peace Laureate, 280 pp. (October 2019) Part I — The “philosophy” of “Medemer” Reviewer’s Note: This review is intended for the benefit and convenience of English-speaking audiences who have a sincere desire to understand and rigorously critique “Medemer” philosophy for what it…
Dinkenesh (Lucy) in Houston with Diamonds? We call her Dinkenesh. They call her “Lucy”. But what’s in a name? “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” said Shakespeare. But Lucy is one of a kind. She is unlike any other hominid fossil ever found. She is the most complete hominid skeleton of…