My Interview With Ghion Magazine on Current Issues in Ethiopia Parts I & II :12 1 2020
Parts I and II: My Interview With Ghion Magazine on Current Issues in Ethiopia 12 1 2020
My Ghion Interview Part I and II Extract Final Combo
Parts I and II: My Interview With Ghion Magazine on Current Issues in Ethiopia 12 1 2020
My Ghion Interview Part I and II Extract Final Combo
There is the Dickensian Ebenezer Scrooge of “Christmas Carol”, that old, nasty, cold-hearted miser who despises Christmas. “Bah! Humbug!”, says Scrooge about the charity and cheer of Christmas. There is Dr. Seuss’ Grinch who stole Christmas. The Grinch would growl, “I MUST find some way to stop Christmas from coming.” Then there is Jeffrey Feltman…
“These perpetual little panics of the French – which all arise from fear of the moment when they will really have to learn the truth – give one a much better idea of the Reign of Terror. We think of this as the reign of people who inspire terror; on the contrary, it is the reign…
“Having been on this Committee now 36 of my 37 years, I have to tell you that I remember when Nicolae Ceaușescu of Romania, one of the most brutal dictatorships, with the Securitate, the KGB equivalent, every year his lobby form would come around with bullet points. They made them look like they were Mother…
Author’s Note: In this commentary, I take a careful look at the “very sophisticated report from the Embassy [of Ethiopia]” submitted for the record at the “Democracy Under Threat in Ethiopia” hearing of the Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives on March 9, 2017. The “embassy” report…
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” – John F. Kennedy Beware what you wish for, you may get it… Meles Zenawi, the late thugmaster of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (T-TPLF) used to taunt the opposition that if they don’t like his rule they can go into the bush and…
What do you get when you cross a thugocracy with democracy? A thugmocracy. When thugs are “elected” to political office, they become thugmocrats. Naturally, “elected” thugmocrats run thugmocracies. If democracy is a government of the people, by the people for the people, a thugmocracy is a government of…