America! Are You Better Off Today Than Four Years Ago?

Friends, Americans, countrymen and women, lend me your ears!

As November 3, 2020 draws near, I want you to ask yourselves one and only ONE question.

Are you better off today than you were four years ago?

Let me break it down for you!

Do you feel healthier today than four years ago?

Do you have better health care services today than four years ago?

Do you have more job security today than four years ago?

Do you have better employment opportunities today than four years ago?

Do you have more peace of mind today than four years ago?

Is your family better off today than four years ago?

Are your children better off today than four years ago?

Are you more anxious, uptight, apprehensive and downright scared about your future than four years ago?

Is your small business better off today than four years ago?

Do you believe your small business will survive, thrive and expand given your present circumstances?

Are you OK with…

Are you OK with the fact that well over 200 thousand Americans have died needlessly through the depraved indifference of Trump?

Are you OK with a president who is a pathological liar?

Are you OK your president does not give a damn about YOU as he swaggers in public as a super-spreader of Covid-19?

Are you OK over 210 thousand deaths have occurred because Trump ignored and downplayed Covid-19 threat?

Are you OK with a president who trashes the Constitution he took an oath to uphold?

Are you OK with the fact that Trump makes false claims to undermine confidence in the electoral system and cast doubt on the legitimacy of the votes and declaring he “will not necessarily accept the result if he is defeated”?

Are you OK with a president who pardons convicted dangerous criminals while mouthing off rule of law and scorning federal judges and demeaning the legal process?

Are you OK with a 2020 deficit (how much more the federal government spends than it receives) which tripled in 2020 to its highest percentage of GDP since WWII?

Are you OK with a national debt of $27 trillion (with a “T”)?

Are you OK with carrying a $27 trillion debt and passing it on as a bitter legacy to your children and grandchildren?

Are you OK with the fact that your personal share of the national debt is $217,000.

Are you OK with the fact that the U.S. trade deficit (net balance of exports and imports of goods) in 2020 is $830 billion?

Are you OK with the fact that the “United States ran a deficit in goods trade of $80.1 billion in July, 2020, the highest on record”?

Are you OK with the fact that an American tax payer earning $25 thousand a year in 2016-17 paid $1,131 in income taxes in 2016 while Trump paid only $750 (seven hundred fifty) during that period? Are you OK with the fact that Trump paid no taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years?

Are you OK with the fact that Trump is “personally responsible for more than $420 million in debt, most of which is coming due within the next four years”? Do you wonder who are Trump’s debtholders? (Russian oligarchs? Say, what?!)

Are you OK with the fact that “Wall Street feasts on federal coronavirus aid while Main Street starves”?

Are you OK with the fact that prescription drug abuse and opioid deaths “has grown into a much more complicated and deadly drug overdose epidemic” in America?

Are you OK with the fact that college education is increasingly becoming out of reach for low- and middle-income students?

Are you OK with the fact that American college student loan debt in 2020 is a crippling $1.6 trillion?

Are you OK with the fact that over 100 thousand small businesses have closed forever as  mega financial institutions, auto manufacturers, airlines and other industries are bailed out by the Feds?

Are you OK with the fact that nearly 60% of all small business owners say they’re worried about permanently closing?

Are you OK with the fact that 27 million Americans in 2020 have no health insurance?

Are you OK with the fact that in “the first half of 2020, 43.4 percent of U.S. adults ages 19 to 64 were inadequately insured”?

Are you OK with the fact that 23 million Americans will lose health care coverage under the Affordable Health Care Act as the U.S. Supreme Court with a conservative majority will strike down the law in the next few months?

Are you Ok with the fact that “40 million Americans live in poverty” making the U.S. “U.S. most unequal developed nation”?

Are you OK with the fact that “29 million, or 11 percent of adults in the United States” do not have enough to eat?

Are you OK with the fact that over 12 million American children live in extreme poverty?

Are you OK with the fact that “18- to 24-year-olds in America today have among the highest rates of poverty of any age group”?

Are you OK with the fact that “24 million Americans were unable to pay rent in August 2020”?

Are you OK with the fact that “one-third of American households owed money for missed rent or mortgage payments from previous months at the beginning of August 2020”?

Are you OK with the fact that “Americans who have never had to rely on food assistance before are turning to local organizations for food aid”?

Are you OK with the idea that the state, the government, owns a woman’s womb and has the right under penalty of law to force her to endure an unwanted pregnancy?

Are you OK with the fact that women in America are “paid 82 cents for every dollar paid to men, amounting to an annual gender wage gap of $10,194”?

Are you OK with the fact that “American police shoot, kill and imprison more people than other developed countries”?

Are you OK with the fact that police have killed 839 people (as of this writing) in 2020, of which African Americans represented 28% (235 victims) of those killed despite being only 13% of the population?

Are you OK with the fact that you as a taxpayer have to foot the bill for police misconduct in the hundreds of millions of dollars annually?

Are you OK with the fact that your online and offline activities are being tracked and monitored and your privacy compromised by big data collection companies and government with total impunity?

Are you OK with the fact that nearly 60 thousand federal prisoners (38%) in 2020 are African Americans in despite being 12% of the population?

Are you OK with an antiquated  U.S. immigration policy in total disarray?

Are you OK with the fact that the U.S will increasingly experience extreme climate and weather events with devastating impact on human safety, infrastructure, agriculture, water quality and quantity, and natural ecosystems because Trump is dismissive of climate change just as he was of Covid 19?

Are you OK with a president who refuses to condemn white supremacists and encourages white extremists and terrorists to stand back and stand by?

Are you OK with the fact that domestic right wing terrorists are secretly planning and scheming to kidnap and kill state governors and other officials?

Are you part of the “42% of Americans calling race relations extremely important to their vote in 2020 on par with the economy and health care”?

Are you OK with Russian meddling with U.S. elections?

Are you OK with the fact that American visitors are banned from Europe and other countries as Covid 19 vectors?

Are you OK with the fact that an American passport which was regarded as a golden ticket for holders to trot around the globe with ease is today is a badge of shame?

Are you OK with the fact that America once respected and feared throughout the world is today held in contempt and pity as a nation with no moral compass and in political disarray?

Are you OK with privatization of public education where private profit is given priority over public benefit?

Based on the facts of the past 4 years, do you believe the next 4 under Trump will be better for you and your family?

In March 2016, I wrote about Trumpenstein  and the Republican Party.

I argued the Grand Old Party had birthed a monster in a political experiment that went awfully wrong.

In Mary Shelley’s 1823 book Frankenstein (The Modern Prometheus), the nameless monster is brought to life by his creator in a grotesque medical experiment.  The monster is ugly and without feeling and sympathy. The monster learned to hate and be angry at everyone. In his hateful rage, the monster killed.

It is October 2020.

Ecce Trumpenstein! Behold Trumpenstein who has laid waste of America.

Today, under Trumpenstein, America teeters on the brink of calamity.

Today, under Trumpenstein, over two hundred thousand Americans have needlessly perished in a pandemic.

Today, under Trumpenstein, millions of Americans have lost their jobs and cannot pay their bills.

Today, under Trumpenstein, Americans are polarized by racist, sexist and militarist rhetoric belched out from the Oval Office of the White House.

Today, under Trumpenstein, America’s representative democracy in less than four years has been reduced to an executive idiocracy led by a pathetic, lying, racist, misogynistic and tax-dodging ignoramus and his accomplices.

Today, Trumpenstein, a poor excuse for a president, is out of control and out of his mind.

Today, under Trumpenstein, America has become a FAILED STATE, a country without a government.

Today, under Trumpenstein, the Union lies in the ICU on life support.

Today, under Trumpenstein, America land of the free and home of the brave is becoming land of  a hater president and home of domestic right wing terrorists.

Today, We, the People, MUST rise up and save the “Last Best Hope of Earth”.

On November 3, 2020, We, the People, must reclaim our government from Trumpenstein!

November 3, 2020 is our D-Day. DUMP TRUMP DAY!

Defeat Trumpenstein, the Beast, on November 3, 2020 and SAVE THE UNION.

Friends, Americans, countrymen and women: Are you better off today than you were four years ago?