“Declaration of Support for TEAM ABIY AHMED- ETHIOPIA”

Selam All: I am leading a small group of volunteers in identifying and contacting Ethiopian Diaspora intellectuals and professionals in all fields to be listed in a “Declaration of Support for TEAM ABIY AHMED- ETHIOPIA”.

We would like to invite you to become an original signatory to the “Declaration”.

A bound volume of the “Declaration” will be presented to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed when he visits the U.S. at the end of this month.

The principal aim of the Declaration is to demonstrate support for PM Abiy’s core principle of “Medemer” and express willingness to serve as “force multipliers” for PM Abiy and his leadership team.

The Declaration essentially expresses support for PM Abiy’s demonstrated commitment to pursue a robust democratic political agenda based on accountability and transparency, undertake structural economic transformation and launch a social reform program built on the healing principles of love, forgiveness and reconciliation.

The Declaration also aims to acknowledge PM Abiy’s accomplishments over the past 100 days.

By agreeing to be listed as a signatory to the Declaration, you are expressing your willingness to consider volunteer service in the cause of Ethiopian democracy and human rights at a time and place of your choosing.

If you agree to be listed as a signatory to the Declaration, please provide 1) your full name, 2) highest degree/education achieved, 3) current profession and 4) email address (which will NOT be listed in the Declaration but will be used for future communications with you).

Please respond to teamabiyahmedvolunteers@gmail.com with the requested information.

Special request: We would appreciate it very much if you could help us contact other Diaspora Ethiopian intellectuals and professionals within your network to sign up. Thanks!

“Let us be force multipliers of Team Abiy Ahmed!”

Thank you.

Prof. Alemayehu (Al) Mariam









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