Prof. Al Mariam’s Voice of America Interview (Amharic) on Ethiopia “Anti-terrorsim Law”, January 19, 2018
Prof. Al Mariam’s Voice of America Interview (Amharic) on Ethiopia “Anti-terrorsim Law”, January 28, 2018
Prof. Al Mariam’s Voice of America Interview (Amharic) on Ethiopia “Anti-terrorsim Law”, January 28, 2018
[Author’s Note: This post first appeared in Ethiomedia on April 28, 2008 as an “editorial” without a byline. (Ethiomedia Editor’s Note – Ethiomedia will offer periodic editorial commentary on the role of the press, media and the vital necessity of free expression in sustaining democratic dialogue in Ethiopia.] To be, or not to be prime…
My interview with radio journalist Abebe Belew on the massive nearly $USD2 million lobbying effort in the U.S. by the T-TPLF.
Author’s Note: This commentary is the third installment in an ongoing series opposing the lobbying efforts of the Praetorian regime in Ethiopia which rules by a declaration of emergency. For years and particularly over the past month, I have strongly argued to the Trump administration to review U.S. foreign aid programs in Ethiopia and Africa….
Prowling and SkulkingSeveral weeks ago, an alliance of Somali Islamist militia leaders calling itself the Supreme Islamic Courts Council (SICC), (Majilis al-shura Council) captured the Somali capital Mogadishu, and the nearby towns of Jowhar and Balad. The SICC is suspected of having ties to al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. The “word on the street” is…
Millions of Ethiopians starve to death as the T-TPLF spends millions to keep itself alive The latest USAID’s Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS) report stated: “The 2017 Humanitarian Resources Document released by the Government of Ethiopia estimates 5.6 million people will require emergency food assistance through June 2017, with funding requirements of approximately $948 million USD.”…
Last week, Barack Obama was in Vietnam preaching the gospel of human rights. He told his tired old story about human rights to the Vietnamese: When there’s freedom of the press — when journalists and bloggers are able to shine a light on injustice or abuse — that holds officials accountable and builds public confidence that the…