Al Mariam’s Voice of America Interview (Amharic) on James Comey Hearing, June 8, 2017
I believe Jim Risch is doggedly committed to destroying Ethiopia because he wants to avenge the humiliating and devastating double loss of a white army in Africa in recorded history. My question for Risch’s constituents in Idaho: “Would you rather have Risch save America from Biden or black Africans 10 thousand miles away? James Risch…
Why are the T-TPLF gods of FEAR, TERROR AND DREAD afraid of their own shadows in 2015? On May 24, 2015, a “parliamentary election” is scheduled in Ethiopia. “Election” as in rigged. Five years ago on May 23, 2010, the ruling Thugtatorship of the Tigrean Peoples Liberation Front (T-TPLF) “won” that…
This op-ed piece appeared in Fortune, “the largest English weekly in Ethiopia” on October 13, 2019. “Innovating the Developmental State Through Homegrown Economic Reform?” CLICK HERE: Home Grown Econ Reform Fortune or COPY AND PASTE in your browser) on the link below to access op-ed: Click to access Home-Grown-Econ-Reform-Fortune.pdf
H.R. Here, H.R. There, H.R. Everywhere in Ethiopia!The truth is finally out! The H.R. in H.R. 2003 stands for Human Rights! H.R. has become the special code for the Ethiopian people whenever they want to talk about the rule of law and due process and freedom of expression and association. It has become their special…
(የፀሐፊው ማስታወሻ — ይህን ፅሁፍ በነጻነት ለሀገሬ ስም ለአማርኛ አንባቢዎቼ አቀርባለሁ። የነፃነት ለሀገሬ ትርጉሞች የረቀቁና የተጣሩ ናቸው። የነፃነት ለሀገሬን ድጋፍ በማግኘቴ ታላቅ ደስታና ክብር ይሰማኛል። ነፃነት ለሀገሬ ያልተዘመረለት/ያልተዘመረላቸው የኢትዮጵያ ጀግና/ጀግኖች ናቸው። ከፍተኛ ክብርና አድናቆቴን ለነፃነት ለሀገሬ አቀርባለሁ/አቀርብላቸዋለሁ !!! ትግሉ ይቀጥላል ለነፃነት ለሀገሬ!!!) ከፕሮፌሰር አለማየሁ ገብረማርያም ትርጉም በነጻነት ለሀገሬ የአፍሪካ አሜሪካዊ ደራሲ፣ ገጣሚ፣ የዳንስ ተወዛዋዥ፣ ተዋናይ እንዲሁም…
Editorial [Originally appeared in Ethiomedia] Ethiomedia | June 2, 2008 A dictator and a mercenary As a brutal dictator, Mengistu (left) lived violating the sovereignty of the people (1974-1991). As a ruthless mercenary, Meles Zenawi lives on violating the sovereignty of both the people and the country. What a mockery of justice! Meles Zenawi…