Al Mariam’s Voice of America Interview (Amharic) on James Comey Hearing, June 8, 2017
Author’s Note: I have written this commentary as a wake-up call to diaspora Ethiopians, particularly those in the United States. Fundamental and structural changes are taking place in Ethiopia. Ethnic apartheid is taking its last gasps of air. The masters of ethnic apartheid are living out their last days in the Ninth Circle of Hell….
Ethiopia is a civilization, NOT a country. What is happening in the relationship between Ethiopia and the U.S. is a “clash of civilizations”. It is a clash between a civilization founded on white European supremacy and an African civilization deeply rooted in black independency. The United States of America was born on June 21, 1788…
The guns silenced, the suffering people of Ethiopia and Eritrea may now speak, shout out, that the two countries hereafter “shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” Witnessing swords beaten into plowshares is a source of…
Author’s Note: This is the first installment in a three-part series on prospects “mediation”, “reconciliation” and “negotiation” with the ruling Thugtatorship of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (T-TPLF). In part I, I discuss why the current discussion on “mediation”, “reconciliation” and “negotiation” with the T-TPLF is of the utmost importance to me personally, why it…
You can call them whatever you want. The Sisterhood of Evil. The Princesses of Darkness. The Divas of Doom and Gloom. If you prefer to wax Shakespearean, you can call them the “Weird Sisters,” “Wayward Sisters” or the “Three Wicked Witches.” (MacBeth.) The bottom line is that Susan Rice, Director of the United States Domestic…
If South Sudan had planned and constructed a pipeline and refinery in Ethiopia, she would have been economically immune from the vagaries of Sudanese conflict and politics. She would not have found herself over the barrel. South Sudan should never have allowed itself to be held on the wrong side of the barrel of the…