My Full Interview on Voice of America Amharic Program on 03 08 2017
My interview on Voice of America Amharic Program on March 8, 2017. (Part I and II.)
My interview on Voice of America Amharic Program on March 8, 2017. (Part I and II.)
Statement of my credo: Hate is the one crumbling wall that now stands between the people of Ethiopia and freedom, democracy and human rights in Ethiopia. The T-TPLF has weaponized and politicized hate. But the mud walls of hate erected by the T-TPLF are today collapsing on the T-TPLF everywhere under the volcanic pressure of…
LAST DAY TO REGISTER TO VOTE FOR THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY– MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2022 Anyone who has not registered can*** [click here do so easily online through the secretary of state’s office ] *** if they have a valid Georgia driver’s license or state-issued identification card. Early in-person voting begins May 2, 2022. ======================== On May 24,…
ETHIOPIAN AMERICANS! JOIN ME IN GETTING THE U.S. GOVERNMENT TO REDESIGNATE THE TPLF A “FOREIGN TERRORIST ORGANIZATION”! [Al Mariam’s “Twitter Droppings” for August 24, 2022, at the end.] On August 31, 2021, Sean Jones, head of the USAID mission in Ethiopia, told Ethiopian state television: We know for a fact… that the TPLF (Tigray People’s Liberation…
Author’s Note: The information war (InfoWars) on Ethiopia today is in full swing. Lies, fake news and disinformation intended to bamboozle, hoodwink and confuse Ethiopians are spreading on social and legacy media like the bubonic plague. The vectors of this social pandemic are social media rodents, online mind-sucking ticks and cyber tsetse flies that spread…
Special Author’s Note: In this commentary/blog, I offer my full and unconditional support to the people of Tigray in their struggle against the reactionary leadership, cadres, supporters and bottom feeders of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). I am proud to say over the past decade and half there have been few in the Ethiopian…
“Ethiopians are like sergena teff [staple foodstuff in Ethiopia made whose tiny seeds resemble poppy seeds eaten as flatbread called injera] (applause). [Grain] that is gathered together. Milled together. Eaten together (applause)… EthiopiaWINet is an addiction [deep passion]. It is in the heart of each and every Ethiopian. If there is a way to open…