My Interview on Voice of America Amharic Program on 03 08 2017 (Part I)
My interview on Voice of America Amharic Program on March 8, 2017. (Part I.)
The phrase “first responder” refers to a person, often with specialized training, who is the first to arrive and aid at the scene of an emergency or a disaster. On June 3, 2019, there was more than an emergency in the Sudan. There was a disaster. Paramilitary Rapid Support Forces under the command and control…
Author’s Note: I refer to my previous commentaries (Part I, Part II and Part III) on my extremely pessimistic prognostications on U.S. policy in Ethiopia under the Biden Administration. In this commentary, I shall discuss what I believe will be the third pillar of U.S. policy in Ethiopia under the Biden Administration: Sabotage democratic reform…
(Open Letter Version) Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed C/o Embassy of Ethiopia 3506 International Dr., NW Washington, D.C. 20008 Dear Prime Minister Abiy: Greetings! I am informed and believe that you will not be visiting the U.S. in early July as part of scheduled events. I am writing to respectfully request and strongly urge you to…
Blinded by vendetta and revenge against Prime Minster Abiy Ahmed and President Isaias Afewerki, Susan Rice & Bots have cast America’s interest in the Horn of Africa to the wind. Their motto is, “Damn American national interest in the Horn of Africa. Full steam ahead, save the TPLF!” To this end, Susan Rice has cried…
Author’s Note: On December 29, 2021, the House of People’s Representatives passed Proclamation 1265/2014 (Amharic version) “Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission”). There have been random speculations (no systematic written analysis I have seen) and observations on the Commission, its mission, organization and purposes and the scope of the authorizing legislation. Certain groups have declined to participate…
An open Thank You note to H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed Dear Prime Minster Abiy: For over a decade, I have used the last of my weekly commentaries to catalogue the crimes against humanity, the corruption and abuses of power that occurred in Ethiopia during the year. But not this year. This year is…