My Interview On Addis Dimts Radio 02 26 2017 (Amharic)
My interview with radio journalist Abebe Belew on the massive nearly $USD2 million lobbying effort in the U.S. by the T-TPLF.
My interview with radio journalist Abebe Belew on the massive nearly $USD2 million lobbying effort in the U.S. by the T-TPLF.
An old African proverb says, “An ant can kill an elephant.” The ant is said to get into the elephant’s ears and trunk and gnaw and nibble until the pachyderm goes completely crazy and dies from exhaustion. That African proverb has come true in America. The ant that vanquished the Grand Old Republican elephant…
Blaming the Victim Last week, dictator Meles Zenawi hectored his rubberstamp parliament in Ethiopia about the forced expulsion (or as some have described it “ethnic cleansing”) of Amharas from southern Ethiopia and zapped his critics for their irresponsibility in reporting and publicizing it. Zenawi denied any expulsion had taken place, but explained that some squatters…
(Excerpted English version of speech given at the “Conference on the Future of Ethiopia: Transition, Democracy, and National Unity” organized by Vision Ethiopia on March 27, 2016 at the Marriott Georgetown.) … I want to thank Vision Ethiopia and the organizers of the “Conference on the Future of Ethiopia: Transition, Democracy, and National Unity”. When…
For nearly 8 months, the U.S., the European Union and the United Nations (Western Neocolonial Triad Syndicate [WNTS]) have been badgering and barking out orders to the Ethiopian Government to provide “unfettered humanitarian access”, “remove Eritrean troops”, “investigate human rights abuses”, “end ethnic violence”, “prevent famine”, etc. The systematic badgering and harassment of the Ethiopian…
A “patent” is a type of license issued by a government to an individual or corporation granting sole right to use and exclude all others from making, using, or selling an invention, a product or a process. There are three types of patents: utility/invention (e.g. personal computer by Steve Jobs); design (Apple’s touchscreen) and plant….
This past week Americans underwent a trial by fire in their souls. Americans are mourning. Americans are in shock. Americans are in soul-searching agony. We witnessed the cold-blooded execution of two African American citizens by two rogue police officers. I want to underscore: Rogue police officers. We witnessed the cold-blooded assassination of 5 police officers…